Online Gambling Kingpin David Carruthers

33 Months in Jail, Lifetime of Bling for Online Gambling Kingpin

Honestly, if you could get away with stealing $300million and then only serving 33 months in jail so that when you get out you can do it again, you would wouldn’t you? 33 months, that’s just 2 and 3/4th years of jail time, which will only amount to an insignificant portion of a person’s life, unless you’re a rockstar to which you will die at 27.

But this guy, David Carruthers, the former executive of BetonSports, isn’t 27, practically twice that age at 52, meaning he’s has a nice fulfilled life having already lived off the stupidity of others. He’s not a rockstar but he sure as hell has lived like one. And he’ll continue to live like one once he finishes his sentence and gets back to running games. What are the authorities going to do? Give him a life sentence then? The guy will probably keel over and die soon, after all he’s 55.

His operations, which were based out of the tropical country Costa Rica (which means “rich coast” by the way, hint hint wink wink) were deemed by US authorities in violation of American anti-online gaming laws, which is also interesting since HIS GAMES ARE RUN IN COSTA RICA, where they speak Spanish and wear sombreros and are not very American-ish. Anyway, knowing that he’d be back soaking up rays in Costa Rica quicker than you can say “I totally ripped you off with my gambling site where you’ll never win”, Mr. Carruthers pleaded guilty to racketeering.

If asked if he regretted anything he did, Carruthers replied “I smoke Cuban cigars with $100 bills, sleep with random beautiful women every night, throw parties every night with that McAfee Anti-Virus guy, have a private jet plane and can take a shit on your father’s face if I wanted to. Of course I don’t regret a thing I’ve done since it allows me to do all that.” Okay, he didn’t really say any of that, but if he were given the chance to speak publicly, he would probably say that.



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