How to Enjoy Roulette

How to Enjoy Roulette

Remember, you’re playing the casino game roulette and not Russian roulette, which involves some crazy antics with revolvers, vodka and ego. You’re not a crazy son of a bitch like Ernest Hemmingway, so don’t try that kind of roulette. But hey, you want to shoot yourself in the face, by all means, do so! In a way, that’s what you do in regular roulette anyway… but yeah, hey, it’s a game that’s packed with action and excitement that doesn’t involve death, so yay!

The number one thing you need to remember when you play roulette is that you have to place a bet because with bets things are far more exciting. It’s a gentlemen’s wager that makes chance exhilarating—the uncertainty of winning big or losing big gets the heart racing and the blood pumping. It’s like being on a rollercoaster without having to actually be on a scary rollercoaster. Seriously, those things are scary. The worst danger that could happen to you in roulette is 1) you could lose all your money or 2) lose an eye if the ball spins out and hits you in the eye. The first one, well, you probably have tons more cash to float around so no big deal and the second problem is unlikely to happen, so don’t sweat it. Of course you could just watch everyone else betting, playing the game and having fun but you don’t want to be a sulking sally.

One of the striking advantages of playing roulette is the choice you have. You have many different options for you to choose from each with their strengths and weaknesses. There are two main kinds of bets: inside and outside bets. An Inside bet is a high-risk bet where the odds of winning are low but the payouts are fantastic. An outside bet is the opposite, meaning it is low risk with high odds of winning but the payout is little. And from there, there are tons of options to choose from within inside and outside bets.

One thing of note that’s a lot of fun about roulette is that it’s far more fun when you are playing with a lot of people. The more people that play, the more interesting the game gets as you’ll be in direct competition with all of them, yet all of you are expecting the same ball to drop in each of your favours. Wonder who will win, because not everyone can win. That’s part of the excitement!

Roulette is also a lot more enjoyable if you play it with faux French accents, since, you know, it’s a French game. Immerse yourself in its French-ness and don’t hold anything back. Why not even dress up as Napoleon Bonaparte and Maria Antoinette while you’re at it! Those costumes would make all the difference. Not to mention grab all the attention from everyone else playing. Hopefully it will also distract the dealer and other players long enough for you or your accomplices to switch out the balls and cheat your way to victory. Before cheating is also tons more fun than playing for real. Good luck!


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