Bob Stuart, software maker charged with promoting illegal gambling over a commercial software program he licenses to online casinos and bookmakers.

Shocker: Gambling Software Coder Didn’t Know His Gambling Software would be used for… Gambling

What’s the best way to make yourself look innocent while totally being guilty? Develop a gambling program and license it to random people you know are going to use it for the wrong purposes, after all who said gambling was a fair game?

Bob Stuart, the douche charged with promotion of illegal gambling software licensed to online casinos and bookkeepers, is trying to take the blame off himself and his companies pointing fingers at all his clients who bought his software, which says a lot for his customer support effectiveness.

New York authorities say that roughly $2.3million that Stuart’s company Extension Software received as payment for licensing were derived from proceeds of the software’s excellent scamming prowess. “Hey, at least we know it works!” said a jovial Stuart who began to dance with himself at the knowledge that he isn’t a hack, just a rip off artist.

Even though Stuart’s clients are all overseas outside the United States in crappy countries like Australia and the United Kingdom, Panama, Jamaica, etc. Authorities say the software was used for illegal betting in his home state, New York. So the lesson here? Make sure to ban all players and gamblers that live in your states, hell, even your country for that matter.

Of course, it was always in Stuart’s plan to sell offshore so he can play dumb as to what his software will be used for while not having to take responsibility for the repercussions, but that will all come to an end as a hearing in the case has been scheduled in New York. In the meanwhile, Stuart is currently in a dungeon somewhere in the bowels of NYC being tortured Theon Greyjoy-style. If you’re a big fan of Game of Thrones, you’ll know those scenes!


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